Hard Love-The Movie
0 Based on the book by, Paula Perry

http://hardlovethemovie..com Based on the , Hard Love, by Paula Perry, the story is centered on Jeffrey Hill and Pamela House. The words, “Till death do us part “and “I do” are put to the test as their whirlwind romance turns sour. They say love is hard, but where is the limit? How hard is too […]

Still Looking For That Perfect Valentine’s Gift?

  An absolute must-have! #Grabyourcopy Download now for $.99! Get caught up in this engaging new adult romance novel, “Hard Love”! Read other page-turning novels by this International best-seller author, Paula Perry. She paints a vivid picture of romance, fairy-tale, reality and insight. “Inner Turmoil”, promises to be your next hangover. Read how she captures her audience by […]

Happy Valentine’s Day!

  An absolute must-have! #Grabyourcopy Download now for $.99! Get caught up in this engaging new erotic romance novel, “Inner Turmoil”! Read other page-turning novels by this International best-seller author, Paula Perry. She paints a vivid picture of romance, fairy-tale, reality and insight. “Hard Love”, promises to be your next hangover. Read how she captures her audience by […]

Sale-Inner Turmoil!

Inner Turmoil, one of my best sellers at Amazon.com, will be available for $.99 starting February 8th. Get ready to gossip!   Here’s a sneak peek.   Juliette met Isabella’s gray eyes, winked her blue eyes, and hurried into the bathroom. Was it possible that Isabella suspected something? No! Isabella was simply one of those […]