So Excited!

I’m so excited! Just to hear my name and company on a Blog Talk radio show for the first time is truly awesome. This is potential growth and a big accomplishment!

“Think Like a Reader & Develop Your Story.”
1 girl_writing_block

The best advice for developing support and elaboration in narrative writing is “Show, don’t tell.” Good writers help their readers imagine the story by describing the action, providing sensory descriptions, and explaining characters’ thoughts and feelings. Poets are especially adept at using precise details to focus on specific, concrete, observable things or experiences. Leave a […]

The Troublemaker’s Table

It’s a bright morning here in Mrs. Martin’s kindergarten class. We have a full day of fun and exciting projects for the kids to do. Mrs. Martin works hard to teach love and respect, but some students are not listening yet. How long does it take to teach a child to say, ‘Excuse me. Please […]

Stephen King

“The basic tools of his trade-how to sharpen and multiply them through use, and how the writer must always have them close at hand. Take the reader through crucial aspects of the writer’s art and life, offer practical and inspiring advice on everything from plot and character development to work habits and rejection.” On Writing […]